Monday, September 01, 2014

Canadian Showtime Chorus: FACTS!!

  • CSC enjoyed a summer break in July but all were anxious to return
  • CSC gets loads of new music over the break and Aileen Carney produced the most amazing learning tracks
  • CSC returns to the risers the first Tuesday in August - that is when the summer heat hits the hardest!!
  • CSC sweats through two nights of choreo coaching with the amazing Erin Howden
  • CSC has the most amazing riser team - thank you!!
  • CSC new risers in - old risers out!
  • CSC call for new members
  • CSC rocks!!!

What an exciting month of August! Many have cottages - some had late summer plans - so riser numbers climbed from week to week! With September only a day away, we are almost full to capacity! I particularly love the energy in the room after the return from a break! It's like the first week of school - you're excited to reconnect with friends - you share news - you recount adventures - you squeal with delight - you hug - you laugh! Such joy!

With the first night of chorus came the first run through of our revamped up tune! Following Joe coaching in June a new version was decided on so when Erin choreo-coached on August 11 and 12, it was literally a week old! Raw but mature enough for Erin to work her magic!

So in comes Erin - on the balmiest, most humid nights Ottawa had seen this summer! Our regular rehearsal hall was not available on Monday night, so our amazing riser team rented a truck and hauled our risers to our borrowed venue and set us up for a night of magic! The last journey for these old risers as a few days ago our brand new squeak-free risers have arrived!! Hooray!!

The plan had been to work the floor and the risers at the same time but finding a second room available in the venue, Erin decided to take the front row out for an hour of intense teaching! A huge shout out to Zeinab and Kathleen who were pulled down from the risers to act as front row subs as a couple of our regulars were away. They did an amazing job!! The risers worked on the music while the front row crammed into the hot little room and came back into the mix dripping wet but knowing the basic routine for the first half of the song! Then Erin was let loose on the risers! She wove the riser moves into what the front row had just been taught. No up, down, around, spin, jump for them but the same - ahhhaa - ya right - melodrama - snap - wink - gotchya - sass got layered on to bring this fun character to life! We were focused, driven and learning at warp speed - 700+ style! There was not a dry brow in the place when the clock rang 10 yet a dozen of us still found the energy to tear down and load up the truck with the risers for the return trip to our home hall! 

And we got to do it all again on Tuesday night in our own rehearsal hall. It was as hot and sticky as the first night but our own hall has air conditioning so it made it a bit more comfortable - a bit!!!! The front row met Erin early and we learned the second half of the song!! We were stiff from the first night but limber in attitude and keen to wear this character. The risers followed suit by demonstrating amazing retention from the night before and showing off their ability to add on personality to this super fun gal! We had two video cameras going so we got every angle, every nuance and snippet of body movement and facial expression required to continue building after Erin left the hall. What a wonderful learning tool!

It's a strange phenomenon! In the winter, snow, sleet and freezing rain often come to town on Tuesday nights - rehearsal night!! Seems like the summer humidity weather chiefs have decided they want in and have made their presence known on Tuesdays as well! It has been hot and sweltering in the hall this month! But that is not stopping us from rocking the NCAC (Nepean Creative Arts Centre) where we rehearse! The front row meets early every week, many have started early section practices to solidify this beautiful new music of ours and we're stepping up the ante in our physical warmups to continue building stamina!

We have grown into our big girl pants and we are on a journey of a lifetime! We are grateful for this opportunity and we want to share this amazing joy with new members so look for our flyers and come to our new member night on September 16th! Give yourself the gift of music - the gift of song - the gift of sisterhood! Climb on and take this journey with us! First stop - our November fundraiser and performance at the Ron Kolbus Centre - then on to our February show at Centerpointe Theatre - spring contest in Syracuse, NY - and then the really big shoe - in Las Vegas, NV at the MGM Grand for Sweet Adelines International competition! I guarantee it - you will not regret it!!

May sound cliché but it is more than a hobby - it is a passion! Thanks for your continued - thanks for watching!! 

I love love love my hobby!!

JD Crowe

Chorus Candids
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