Tuesday, October 18, 2011

SAI Houston - Good Morning Sunshine!

Another promising looking day! The sun is up and the hotel is buzzing with activity! And the Sweet Adeline Day goes like this:

HQ Office:
9 am to 6 pm: picking up my Directors AEB and programs!

Harmony Bazaar:
9 am - 6pm: dah - of course, I'm going!

Riser Rehearsals:
all over the city, in hotels ballrooms - we're catching as many as we can!! Greater Kingston - Melodeers - Lion's Gate - Pride of Kentucky ....

Liz, Nancy and I are taking a quick side trip to Galveston this morning! We'll be back soon!

You're the flower of my heart - sweet adeline!
JD Crowe

Chorus Candids
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