Thursday, April 26, 2012

Regional Contest 2012 - when April 25 turned into April 26!!!

It has been a large day! Many of us travelled to Syracuse today - there were many manicures and pedicures along the way and much shopping!! For myself, my day ended with the best Convention Team EVER - we worked hard, we cleared all business and had a wonderful dinner and laughed until our sides hurt! It's going to be a great contest!

It is cold in Syracuse but as tradition would have it, I wore sandals today! My shalacked toes are freezing - but they sure are cute!! Layers ladies - it's all about layers!

So here is the forecast for tomorrow: Sweet Adelines from Eastern Ontario and Upper New York State will be migrating to Syracuse and will be flying in an ensemble formation very similar to the V formation of the Canada Geese but more commonly refered to as the cone formation! Canadian Showtime Chorus director was spotted at the top of the cone singing director until she was joined in the east by Phoenix Rising! There is High Definition in the overtones and the night is capped with a fine Beaujolais.

Fly High and Soar Canadian Showtime. It's been a long flight - gear down for a smooth landing!! You know you can!

Good night - sleep tight! Oh, and don't leave home without your passport like I did yesterday!! realizing and turning back 40 minutes into the trip = -2 hours of shopping! Zut alors!!



Chorus Candids
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