Thanks to Facebook we were able to keep tabs on many of our chorus sisters traveling to Syracuse yesterday! The coined expression from Wednesday's blog took on a life of its own as indeed it became 'all about the space' in the trunks and the rooms that were squeezed into with suitcases, makeup bags, shoes, refreshments, snacks and bags - shopping bags!!! It was quite fascinating sitting or walking through the lobbies of our convention hotels to watch the reunions. Squeals, hugs, kisses - energy abounds! Excitement exudes! Joyful reunions! Let the fun begin!!
Chorus leadership and quartets gathered in the afternoon to get ready for the Official Contest Briefing. This is where Lake Ontario Region 16's most excellent Convention Team shares their pearls of wisdom and hands out last minute instructions to the competitors for both the quartet and chorus contests of this weekend. Board your bus here - at this time - no water bottles - leave your watches behind - trust us to get you to the stage on time!! We are in exceptionally good hands! This is also where we meet the judges for the first time - the panel who will sit in the pit, watch, listen and critique to guide competitors through their journey to excellence. They will chose the next champions but let's face it - every competitor crossing the stage is a champ! There are no losers here!!
Our quartets looked wonderful in their quartets' walking outfits at the Briefing and today they will sound awesome on the contest stage! Canadian Showtime Chorus is proud to showcase 4 fabulous quartets in today's competition - we are very proud to present and cheer on -in order of appearance - Absolutely, VQA, Outburst and KeyRings! They are ready and we know they will own that stage!
The last of our chorus sisters will be traveling today - be safe on the roads - have fun shopping! Soon we will be all together and we will be complete. And THAT is really what we're talking about - cause its 'all about space' we occupy together!! How lucky are we!!
More to follow - let this amazing day begin! Don't forget to catch the webcast - I'll be on with our anchor Rob Snoulten to start the day! It's going to be a roaring good time!!!!
JD Crowe