This place was buzzing from the moment we arrived in Las Vegas – the flashing casino lights – the strip – the slot machines – the people – the energy – the wow!! But none of it compares to the buzzing in the various rehearsal halls in the Convention Center over the last two days!!
It took three days but Canadian Showtime Chorus members are ALL IN and settled in their rooms at the MGM Grand!! Yessss!!! It’s been great wandering through the MGM Grand and other hotel lobbies, the Las Vegas Strip and all the other hotspots and bumping into so many friends from Lake Ontario Region 16 and all other corners of the world. Harmony Boutique and the Sweet Adelines International ‘store’ hit us hard and renewed our love for the bling! But now we turn our energy to the Chorus – to the task at hand - to the reward after the last 18 months of preparation.
At 7 pm sharp last night, we flipped from being tourists in this amazing city of lights and we put on our rehearsal clothes and shoes and welcomed Region 16 competitors (North Metro, S.L.A.M and1/2 of Spritzer) and supporters (including my very own East Coast Connection!!!!!!) to our first rehearsal for the Regional Pep Rally! It is a highlight for many and really gets the love, camaraderie and excitement going! Words of mutual respect, admiration and affection were spoken – tears of joy flowed – we sang for one another - and hugs filled the room and all of our hearts! Let’s do it ladies! It’s SHOWTIME!!!<
Our guests left and we got to work! Sandie took us through our paces and coach Joe brought more hype to the room! We worked smart and it set the tone for the rest of our rehearsals. Today we hit the International Risers at 1 for another couple of hours of bliss! Rest, lots of water and the parade of flags and opening ceremonies before we work another couple of hours tonight! That’s what it’s all about girlfriends! Picture the prize – visualize the feeling when that crystal bowl comes out to draw for order of appearance for the finals! I hear it – do you????? Contestant number 7 …….. go on, I dare you!!
ALL IN Canadian Showtime Chorus sistahs!! ALL IN!!!!
JD Crowe
Wednesday, October 07, 2015
Sweet Adelines in the House!!
Posted by Karen Keppel-Jones at 12:01 AM
Labels: Las Vegas 2015